Thursday, June 23, 2011

June 23rd

I will begin my food and workout posting again on this blog. I have been back eating clean since Monday of this week. This last weekend was a real tipping point for me and made me realize that this half ass paleo/zone/ shit I have been eating is not working. Especially with a broken ankle which has me sitting on my ass for most of the day. I am going to take my fat intake way down to what I was doing before. I was eating enough fat before for a super lean guy and I am not that right now.

2 eggs, tomatoe, little bit of chedar cheese, peppers, 2 small pieces of bacon
Lunch 1:
chicken salad with carrots and pickle
Lunch 2:
salmon sashimi, 2 chicken skewers, misco soup
35g whey protein w/t water, apple

1 comment:

CF LIONS said...

Still going strong, a week in. Had quite a few drinks Saturday and Sunday, two peoples birthays but the food has been good. Also have added in swimming to help my ankle. I am bad at swimming but look forward to getting better at it.
chicken omellete, bowl of fruit
chicken salad from Earls
steak, carrots and hummus
turkey omellette
Meat loaf and salad ( meat loaf had some bread crums in it, so I won't be having that again).