Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 19

What a beautiful day outside.....Why is it easier to eat well when the weather is good? Maybe its because its easier to do everything when the weather is good.


Robyn said...

Breakfast- 1 turkey sausage/ 1apple
snack-cashews/ banana

430 wod.
Dinner-5oz Chicken/ with a ton of veggies/yams
hazelnuts/2 pieces of dried mango.

Amanda said...

Day 18
Snap peas
Chicken breast
fruit bowl
sweet potatoe and chicken sausage

Day 19
Not feeling well. Don't feel like eating.

Turkey sausage
fruit bowl
Chicken sausage
fruit bowl

Jenny said...

Day 19

Had to eat out for all meals today....didn't feel good. So crazy how I prefer to make all of my food now, so I know exactly what's in it!

B: egg white omellete w/spinach/ham/tomatoes/fruit
L: yam omellete/fruit/sausage
S: banana/almonds
D: tuna tataki/grilled chicken salad w/avocado (no dressing)
S: grapes/1/2 lara bar

Lauren said...

Breakfast- 2 eggs, 2 pieces of bacon, 1 plum
Snack- nectarine
Lunch-2 cups spinach with raspberries & slivered almonds
Snack- almonds
Dinner- chicken breast w/ pesto, mashed cauliflower, arugula salad

Breakfast- 1 egg, 2 egg whites, 2 pieces of bacon
strawberries, black coffee
Snack- cherries
Lunch- spinach goma ae, bbq chicken
Snack- nectarine
Dinner- to be decided.

Jenny- I know what you mean, at this point I much prefer cooking something at home. I just need to work on bringing snacks with me so I'm not relying on lara bars too much

Robyn said...

Breakfast- 1 chicken/apple sausage/ 1 apple/black coffee

snack- cashews/banana

3pm- chicken/beef lettuce wraps with grilled veggies/ berries

7pm- salmon salad with avocado.

Jenny said...

Day 20

B: ham/raspberries/blueberries/mac nuts/black coffee
S: almonds/1/2 banana
L: salad w/chicken, veggies/evoo/lemon juice
S: lara bar
D: chicken burger (no bun)/cantelope/berries

Robyn said...

Jenny what is evoo? is it good ?where do you get it ?

have a nice day hun

Anonymous said...

Extra virgin olive oil:)

Robyn said...


1 turkey thyme/sage sausage/ berries/apple/ cashews


Lunch-chicken with yams/cucumber


Dinner-1 beefskewer/with broccoli
4 cherries.

Jenny said...

Sunday - Day 21

B: 2 egg whites/chicken apple sausage/berries
L: ham/grapes/cucumber/carrots
S: cantelope/mac nuts
D: carrot apple slaw/lettuce wraps w/ground turkey/avocado/salsa
S: fruit salad

Too much fruit today...really going to work on cutting back for the next 7 days. One week left!!!

Amanda said...

Day 21
walnuts and cranberries

Robyn said...

Jenny, Amanda, Lauren are we the only 3 left !haha Tanya where are you??? keep going ladies !!!

Robyn :)

Jenny said...

Yeah I was wondering that too!! I guess everyone else fell off the wagon...??

Keep it up ladies :)

Lauren said...

Breakfast- 2 poached eggs, 2 pieces of bacon
Snack- nectarine, pear juice (nothing added)
Lunch- carrots, tomato, chicken.
Dinner- spaghetti squash with tomato, mint, & sausage, green salad with lemon juice & evoo, prawns.
Snack- cherries.
Awesome work ladies and gents! The 30 degree weather is finally coming! It's going to be hard to say no to a beer eh?

Robyn said...

Breakfast-apple, chicken/apple sausage/ with black coffee

snack-vega shake with a banana/cashews

Lunch- salmon/with rootveggie salad
(defiantly had a dressing on it) had to eat it, i was starving! probably not good, because it tasted awesome.

Dinner- to follow.

Tanya said...

Sorry - still around just been too busy at work to check in - and it SUCKS not having a fresh entry to post in each day. CHRIS!!!! For fux sake!

Tanya said...

Best. Post. Ever. : Jenny what is evoo? is it good ?where do you get it ?

Love it!!! Robyn, you make me smile :)

Jenny said...

Monday - Day 22

B: 2 poached eggs/1 turkey apple sausage/1/2 grapefruit/few berries
S: cucumber/carrots/yellow pepper
L: salad w/lots of veggies/chicken/lemon juice/evoo
S: carrot & apple slaw
S: apple/almond butter
4:30 WOD - that was hard! Took 3 minutes off same workout from 1 month ago...must be the paleo ;)
D: steak/asparagus/sweet potato
S: strawberries

Working on less fruit...3 small servings today which is a step in the right direction!

Amanda said...

Day 22

Okay this is really bad. But I was really sick today after I ate a nectarine for breakfast... so I ilterally could only hold down a banana and walnuts. I tried so hard to eat more but it did not work today. I feel better now so I am going to eat lots tomorrow to make up for it. I did play a baseball game and we won! I oddly had a lot of energy at baseball.

I loved Robyn's post because I have been thinking the same thing...What is evoo? And where do I buy it=) Glad to know the lingo now.

Tanya said...

Meal 1: 3 eggs
Meal 2: steak and grilled asparagus
Meal 3: champagne, mussels, champagne, scallops, bacon, cabbage, champagne, olives, champagne

Meal 1: coffee, water and a big bowl of regret
Meal 2: 3 eggs
Meal 3: tuna sashimi and whet free tamari sauce

Meal 1: 3 eggs, black coffee, apple
Meal 2: chicken breast with salad and EVOO
Meal 3: went to a barbeque where everything was covered in sauces so munched on a bunch of fresh fruit - went so hungry

Meal 1: 3 eggs, black coffee, apple
Meal 2: chicken, mondo salad, EVOO
Meal 3: ground beef and spaghetti squash

Meal 1: 3 eggs
Meal 2: bratwurst and sauerkraut (World Cup inspired German soccer luncheon at office - barf)
Meal 3: Grilled chicken and bok choy to make up for lunch

Whew - that'll teach me to wait for Chris to put up new days on the blog.

Robyn said...


Breakfast- 1 organic chicken/lemon/thyme sausage/ 1 apple

Snack-Banana/cashews/fish oil

Lunch-chicken/lettuce wraps with gaucomole

Snack-craving so much fruit- 1 apple,handful of cherries/cashews

5K run
Dinner- grilled Halibut/ yams/aspargus
dessert-handful of dried apple/mango

Amanda said...


Banana, apples and strawberries in a smoothie
Snap peas

4:30pm work out loved it!
Time 23:45

Jenny said...

Day 23 - Tuesday

1: 2 poached eggs/bacon/1/2 grapefruit
2: cucumber/carrots/red pepper
3: bbq chicken/yams/red pepper
4: berries/1/2 lara bar
4:30 WOD
5: almonds
6: chicken/red pepper/sweet potato
7: peach