Monday, September 27, 2010

Week 3

Keep posting your food here. Remember that if you fall off the wagon for a meal, that it isn't hard to get back on. Worst thing you can do is say that you had a bad meal therefore you can't do this. Keep eating well, keep training hard.

I say this to you and myself.


CF LIONS said...

3 eggs, ham, 2 sausages, 4 cashews.

Lauren said...

Monday- lunch- apple chicken sausage, tomato, apple
Snack- lara bar, black coffee
Dinner- spinach salad with sauteed pear and shallots

Anonymous said...

does anyone know if protein powder mixed with water bloats you?

Lauren said...

Check the ingredients; if you've been mostly paleo and any kind of sugar or rice product is listed among the first, it will probably bloat you. I found I was gaining weight on regular protein powder even before I started paleo so I stopped taking it and now just occasionally take the vega shakes because they're plant-based.

Lauren said...

and I know some of the vega shakes have some kind of rice product in them but they're closer to "paleo" then most protein powders.

Amanda said...


Chicken, qunioa salad
salmons vegetables
concord grapes
Need to eat more. I bought lots of yummy groceries tonight...thinking I might do the zone way of eating instead of whole 30

Lauren said...

Lunch- spinach salad w/bacon, canteloupe
Snack- carrots, lara bar
Dinner- hamburger patty with homemade pesto, lettuce, tomato

4:30 class was good today. Thank you Chris for getting those new bands!!! Tried the red one for my pull ups- good! So I tried the tiny white one- got it! Stoked but also confused as to why I can get 5 pull ups with the teeny white band but still can't manage an RX pull up. Oh well at least I know I'm close right? Oct 16th is my deadline! Must get at least 1 RX pull up by then.

How's everyone doing??

Lauren said...

Eeeeew. So I try and eat organic and grain fed when I can but it's pricey. But I just saw this and I donno if I'll ever be able to eat processed meat ever again.

Anonymous said...

I fucked up and had a bag of baked chips last night...let myself get too hungry at work, which was the mistake. Felt more tired this morning that I have been. Right back on the train today however.

The Pie.

Lauren said...

Good job, Chris! I've definitely had some cheats. I think I'm officially off whole30 but I'm trying to stay as paleo as possible.
I donno if anyone is reading this anymore :(
Class was fun yesterday. Was amazed I could climb up the rope. I have 1 week to get a freakin pullup. Any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

Get your asses back on track! All of you.