Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 29

Day 29

Wow! Really day 29 already, only 2 more days to be strict. Like Michelle brought up yesterday, curious to hear what's around the corner for everyone on day 31. Plan on keeping it up, or happy to toss it out the window?

Any gains or loss to report, improvement in energy?

Have a great sunny Monday!


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 28

Wow guys, only 3 days left!!

Hope everyone is feeling good, it's gorgeous outside today!!

Stay strong, and keep posting....alot of people have dropped off this past week.....are you still lurking??

Post meals/questions/thoughts to comments...


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 27

Good morning!

Day close to the finish.

Hope that everyone is feeling good/better......Annie hope to see you and Scott (& Olivia) back at the den soon!!

Post meals & questions to comments. Have a great weekend.


Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 26

TGIF!! We are approaching our last weekend of the challenge.....stay strong people!!!

And we get to do Cindy today.....yippee ;)

Have a great Friday, post meals/questions to comments!!


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 25

Almost the end of the week.

Scott woke up under the weather and Olivia went to bed not feeling so great. Definitively washing my hands and all the towels and sheets in the house!

Try to stay healthy and away from all the bugs out there!

Happy Thursday!

Post meals/questions to comment.

Annie :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 24

Happy Wednesday!

One week from today we will be done!!! Great job everyone, let's stay strong to the finish...

Post meals & thoughts to comments.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 23

Wow time actually flies! I can't believe there's only a week left. What a different experience for me this time. I can't believe I was so grumpy about it and quit on day 5 last time!

Interesting to hear of everyone's experience. Keep posting your feelings/thoughts/meals. We all have different reasons for taking this on, but the sharing and each other has really helped me going.

Happy Tuesday!

Annie :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 22

One week left!!!

How is everyone feeling? Do you have more energy? Less sugar cravings? Feeling lean?

I am feeling good, but still not as good as I know I can. I am just going to push through this last week, focusing on more veggies, less nuts & fruit. It's hard though.....fruit is my fave :)

Not alot of posting over the weekend....if you are lurking, then post! If you fell off the wagon, fess up and commit to gettting back on!!

Post meals to comments, have a great day.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 21


We bought new curtains for our bedroom yesterday....makes the room SO much darker, what a difference!! I had a great sleep :)

We also bought our own copy of Robb Wolf's "Paleo Solution", so Annie & Geoff you can finally ready Annie T's copy!! We will bring it to the gym tomorrow.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend....staying strong?

Post meals/questions to comments.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 20

Hey everyone! We are 2/3 of the way there...

Congrats to everyone that tackled Fran yesterday, lots of PR's set, must be the Paleo :)

Another weekend is here, stay strong! Post your meals & questions to comments.


Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 19

I think I can say it for us all....TGIF!

Olivia is turning 9 today, we're off to Whistler for the weekend. Keep up the posting on the weekend and stay focus.

It's so good to hear that many of you want to go on for 60 days. I think for myself it is becoming more a new lifestyle than a 30 days challenge for sure. I am enjoying baking and trying new recipes.

Have a great one, post meals and questions to comments.

Annie :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 18

Happy Thursday gang, nice to see there's still lots of us hanging around.

Feeling a little better today, looking forward to breakfast to see if it goes down easy because I'm hungry!

Yesterday I had craving for a glass of milk...strange...maybe the heartburn. I love to hear how everyone is doing, don't forget to post recipes and share the worthy ones. Solo, your soup last night sounds delicious.

Have a great one!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 17

Happy Wednesday!

So glad to see that everyone is still pushing through the challenge.....

Thanks for the macaroon recipe Ro - I'm sure that lots of people will be trying it out, sounds delicious!!

My headache is gone (for now) and I am looking forward to today's workout for some weird reason. Hope to see lots of you there!

Post meals & questions to comments.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 16

I am noticing that fewer and fewer people are posting their meals.....if you are lurking, join us! We are past halfway, stay strong to the end if you want to see true results!!

It takes our bodies several weeks to "detox" from all of the sugar, dairy & won't feel the effects of this way of eating after doing it for a day or might take a while. I personally am still not waking up feeling rested, and am still getting random headaches. But then I remember that I have only been eating clean for 15 days, after a lifetime of eating bad stuff!! I have to be patient :)

Post meals, comments & questions!


Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 15

Half way today!

I resisted temptations easily last night, I brought some biltong with me and grabbed a handful of fruits there. Wasn't even too tempted by the one bite brownies. Didn't seem worth it last night.

Hope everyone is feeling great, or turning the corner right now to more energy.

Post meals and thoughts to comment.

Annie :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 14

Day 14, I smell halfway!

I hope everyone had a lovely Saturday. The wildest thing Scott and I thought to do while Olivia was at her sleepover at auntie Annie was order a movie on demand and get 10hrs of sleep! Really reaping the benefit of sleep this year, great chapter on sleeping in Robb Wolf 'Paleo Solution'.

Can't wait to read what everyone is eating/feeling today.

Have a great Sunday!
Annie :)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 13

Morning! Another weekend and social events to navigate. Stay strong and remember why you are doing this. I am starting to see and feel the benefit, it does make it easier to keep on making good choices.

Looking forward to seeing everyone for the 9am!

Post meals and feelings to comment.

Annie :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Dessert Demons...

Really good blog post from Whole 9 today...

I think that many of us deal with this.....needing "something sweet" after a meal (I know that I do!!)

Interesting that it's really just a mental thing, our brains have been told that we need dessert in order to be satisfied....and on the paleo challenge the dessert may show up as a banana etc.

Check it out!


Day 12


Here comes the weekend....stay strong....

Post meals/comments/questions here!


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 11

Hey everyone!

Day is everyone feeling? More energy yet? Sugar cravings gone?

I am doing well, eating more fruit & nuts that I would like, but am working on it! I have a snowshoe/fondue night with my team from work tonight.....should be interesting. I have packed lots of paleo snacks. It will be fun to pull out my bags of beef jerky & almonds while everyone else dips cake into chocolate....

Stay strong! Post all meals & thoughts to comments.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 10

Day 10 already. Anyone else feeling like they are prepping a lot of food in the morning? If I am prepared this paleo thing is easy and quite tasty I must say! But it does take some preparation.

Enjoy the not quite snow day everyone! Drive safe!

Annie :)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 9

Day 9 already! I think I am experiencing my first energy dip, but I can't believe I went this long.
Stay strong everyone I know we will turn a corner and feel great soon! See everyone at the den for 4:30...unless we get hit by the storm!

Good day team!


Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 8

Hey everyone! We survived the weekend (well, most of us did...), great work!!

I personally feel great. Not "leaping" out of bed in the morning yet, but feel like my energy is really consistent throughout the day. And my skin feels way better too....

Post meals to comments, have a great day.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 7 - One Week Done!!!

How is everyone doing? I feel great....thought the weekend would be hard, but I managed to make it through...

Post your meals & thoughts to comments, we are 1/4 of the way there!!!


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 6

Day 6, in many ways this is easier than I expected, last time I attempted this I had failed badly by day 5. I haven't seen a huge drop in energy yet. But I do feel slightly grumpy every time I wake up to another breakfast of eggs.

Have a great day! Weekends are a little tougher, stay strong, post meals to comment and read all your food labels!

Annie :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Read your labels...

Hey guys,

Thought this was an interesting post from Whole may want to check your almond milk etc., chances are it isn't "paleo". Lots of weird ingredients that you can't pronounce is a sign that it's not real food!

Obviously everyone is going to make their own choices here, just wanted to share :)

The Whole 9 peeps are pretty strict (for 30 days) and then they let you loosen up.


Day 5-how's everybody feeling?

Day 5 breakfast:

I am already sick of eggs....wonder why I can eat PB everyday of my life, but can't handle egss more than 2 days.

Trying something new; morning shake w a frozen banana, unsweetened almond milk and sunflower butter.

It was delicious, but the two year Zone vet in me realizes it was lacking in protein. Post 30 days challenge I would round it up with protein powder.

Have a good day everyone! Post meals and feelings to comment.

Annie :)

Jenny, thanks for all the improvements.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 4-so far so good?

Morning! Another day on the way, let's see what day 4 has on the menu.

Breakfast: fruit salad and 1 sausage, 1 egg before Crossfit.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 3-nice to see our group expanding!

Day 3 is off to a good start!
I think I found a yummy no eggs breakfast alternative.

2 Italians sausage links w fruit salad.

Have a good day!
Annie :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 2-post meals to comments

Hello all!

Day 2 and no PB.

Egg custard (will post recipe tonight) w fruit salad.

Off to work! Be sure to post your meals to comment too.

Annie :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Paleo Challenge 2011 edition

Hi guys!

Let's open up the forum again for a brand new 30 days challenge. Jenny and I will update daily for Chris.
Post what you ate for the day, any cool recipes you tried and want to share or struggles you may have.
We are all in this together.

After eating 4 lbs of cheese last night, Scott and I were happy to get this healthy eating going, but I forgot to jump on the scale this morning, I want to see if my weight moves one way or the other.

 So for day 1 for Scott and I:

Fruit salad (banana-kiwi-pomegranate-apples+grapes)w eggs and bacon w black coffee.
Salad w salami and chicken w apple, red peppers and cucumbers. Olive oil and lemon juice dressing.
Roasted chicken w herbs and seasonings w roasted asparagus, parsnips and turnips. Baked blueberries w almonds and unsweetened coconut for dessert (from Everyday Paleo delish).

Felt good, we ate a lot! I think I was concerned with being hungry and overdid it.