Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 13

Morning! Another weekend and social events to navigate. Stay strong and remember why you are doing this. I am starting to see and feel the benefit, it does make it easier to keep on making good choices.

Looking forward to seeing everyone for the 9am!

Post meals and feelings to comment.

Annie :)


Annie Tasaka said...

Fueling up for Ains monster wod:

2 eggs over easy, 2 strips of bacon, avocadoe and a fruit salad w black coffee.

Wish me luck!

mishylu said...

working my way up to 10am WOD...i'm having a slow morning!

fruit salad, 1 turkey sausage, coffee with coconut milk...and a little piece of chocolate banana loaf just because it's there :)

Anonymous said...

So made the banana bread last night. Flavour was great, texture was...different. Question on that. For Almond flour all I could find is Almond Flour/Meal...same thing? Red Mill product.

Think I may pulverize a couple dates to add in next time for a tad more sweetness

B: Fruit, Eggs , bacon, turkey sausage, small piece banana bread
2 espresso.


Solo said...

Dinner last night was a chicken stir fry with tons of veggies, onions, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, red pepper, bok choy, garlic, ginger.... Could have used a sauce of some sort, it was pretty bland, healthy, but bland.

Back was pretty lit up from the deadlifts yesterday, and Ains' 105 thrusters this morning killed me! Rest day tomorrow for sure.

B: poached eggs, bacon, pineapple, grapefruit, and cups of black coffee

Geoff A. said...

Ant, you got the right thing with the almond meal. You kind of have to throw out any expectations for it being bread like and take if for what it is.

Annie and I had our first big cheat last light by having a drink with dinner. What is our penance?

Dinner was gai lan, delicata (?) and kabocha squash, salad and some olives. We also had another asian vegetable that was something like a mild radish or turnip.

Lunch was leftover pork chop, green beans and beets.

Breakfast was the usual.

Felt fine during the WOD today but am feeling a major energy crash right now.

Annie said...

No penance for me! This morning's WOD was enough already. Didn't feel guilty at all for doing it. I had a friend over last night and it just felt natural to have a dry cider in her company. I guess I can blame the guy at Renzullo Food Market for this as he gave us a shot of grappa while we were shopping for food...

B1: shake (almond milk, bananas, various frozen fruit, chia seeds)

B2: two eggs sunny side up, 3 apple pork sausages, fruit (pomegranate, apples, grapes)

Snack: pistachios, raisins

My bananas are almost ready for the banana bread recipe. Looking forward to it!

Oh and in case some of you plan on crossing the bridge and making your way to East Van, there is a great little place that sells good quality bulk nuts, grains, coffee and chocolate. It's a small business that just opened and we've started going there when visiting the butcher shop (it's right next door).

*Skye's Nut Heaven, 2471 E. Hastings (at Nanaimo).

Annie said...

And the veggie that Geoff was referring to and that is very yummy is called kohlrabi. You'll need to peel it as the skin is a bit tough.

mishylu said...

Happy Saturday!

S: Larabar post-WOD while shopping at Costco to avoid cheating with the samples!

L: a few pieces of prosciutto & cantaloupe, sauteed spinach, baked salmon with garlic, lemon, dill

change of plans with the birthday dinner going to have dinner at home first so that i'm not changing up the entire meal to accommodate Paleo at the restaurant! Wish me luck with the booze flowing all around me!

mishylu said...

oh, and i forgot to mention that i had another piece of the banana loaf. this is why i cannot have "stuff" at home that i shouldn't eat (chips, chocolate, candy while not on Paleo) calls my name! At least this is healthy! :)

Anonymous said...

Almost into hour 6 of our rowing marathon, brought lots of snacks but I want a burger in a bad way. Maybe after my next shift I'll get one from the caffeteria upstairs. Don't worry, no bun, no cheese, extra veggies.

Annie said...

Michelle, I think everyone should be allowed one cheat in 30 days...

Who cheated so far?

My cheat didn't really feel like one though. I did not feel guilty at all!

Annie said...

Oh and great work on the rowing you guys! :-)

mishylu said...

The thing is, I WOULD feel guilty that I didn't stick to the rules. Soda with a twist of lime should keep me on track. Went to Weigh to Go...they have all kinds of dried fruit (unsweetened) to switch it up!! Got some dried nectarines & unsweetened dried cranberries...and a small bag of chia seeds to try it out. I have Flax but am learning that while they are kind of the same, they are not!

For those of you every by UBC, Weigh to Go is at Dunbar & 41st.

S: 1/2 Asian pear, 3/4 apple with almond butter, a few almonds (it does the trick to satisfy the chip crunch craving)

Dinner will be sauteed broccolini, snap peas, red pepper & the last of the meatloaf (good riddance!)

Nick said...

Started the day with 3 cups of black coffee and a protein shake

Post workout protein shake and an apple

Lunch was more like breakfast, egg with egg white and vegs, and a couple of sausages

snack of beef jerky

Dinner is going to be a steak with vegetables.

Ains is going to make the banana loaf for desert. Although she says she is going to have her pear discustard.

Apart from that I think I threw in another 3-5 cups of coffee, oh and an Americano after workout. It feel like a lot of coffee when I sit down and have to write about it, but at the time it feels pretty normal


Anonymous said...

jenny, (or anyone else who is paleo-expert)
is there anything wrong with eating large amounts of coconut products? i'm talking milk, shredded, water, all of it. the girl at the grocery store said to me:
"wow, you must really like coconut!"

now i'm wondering if i'm is too much coconut bad?

ains said...

(above from ains)

Annie Tasaka said...

I don't think so, I was just reading on the benefit of going Paleo and how we Westerners don't normally eat a lot of Coconut, but in some parts of the world it is a staple and so good for you. :-)

Keep on eating it Ains.

And I so need to try your pear custard just so I can validate your taste and quiet your husband!

Misch, I feel like you are setting yourself up to make it hard when it truly doesn't have to be! On the blog, click on Jen's gone Paleo and she offers so many options when dinning out what to pick in restaurant. You can totally eat out, just make good choices. She has options there for all kinds of restaurants.

To cheat or not to cheat is totally personal. There is no need to be a penance. ;) As soon as the 30 days is over I plan on continuing but adding 2 cheat meals a week. Other than that I must say I am feeling great and loving experimenting with new veggies and recipes.

Annie :-)

Annie Tasaka said...

Oh yeah and this is what I ate so far:

Post wod snack:
1 hard boiled egg +
banana, almond milk and sunbutter shake

Salad w chicken, peppers, sweet potatoes and balsamic and olive oil
A little chunk of Scott's homemade Larabar

1 asian pear, sliced turkey, handful of wallnuts

mishylu said...

thanks Annie,

yeah i saw all the suggestions for dining out. the other thing is that i have so much food in the fridge that it almost makes more sense to eat at home right now. but i will still go & partake in the festivities!

dinner was sauteed veggies ended up being more like a mild curry after i added some mushrooms, green curry paste & coconut milk. i think i'm missing the "sauce" in my food...there's been a lot of sauteed, baked, steamed veggies! but alas, the meatloaf est fini!! :)

have a great night everyone!

Annie said...

Michelle, not sure how you will prepare your chia seeds but I soak mine and add them to smoothies.

That post on eating out in Jen's gone paleo blog was very useful for me, even though I screwed up and ended up eating edamame... In case some of you don't have the link:

More snacks/light lunch (Annie): ants on a log, some kohlrabi, snap peas, a few bites of pork, some leftover squash and beets, one fig

D: Geoff's delicious chicken leg recipe (with crispy skin!, olive oil, lemon, thyme, s&p), fried mushrooms and onions, gailan, salad

Will try to make some 'Moist and Chewy Banana Fudge Brownies' tonight. Olivia will be testing it so she can report to mommy! :-)

Solo: I find that if I add a bit of salt to my steamed veggies it's not as bland. Do you do that or you eat them without?

jenny said...

I agree with Annie - coconut is fine, enjoy it!

Agreed about the's up to everyone to make their own decisions, nobody is keeping track. Just to be clear though - soda is not technically allowed in a Paleo Challenge :)

Pre WOD: A few almonds, mandarin, turkey slice

Post WOD: Banana

Brunch: 2 paoched eggs, bacon, pineapple, bit of grapefruit, coffee

Snacks: almonds, lots of cut veggies, turkey slices, apple, coffee

Dinner: Bacon wrapped scallop appie at home, now heading out for dinner as we don't want to cook...

mishylu said...

as in soda water?! that's my cheat then cuz i have a whole case of pellegrino here. i was drowning under all the still water and needed something with a kick! i know there's a little bit of salt in it...

mishylu said...

did i just read that right?!

Chris & Knight!! you guys are in the clear for Superbowl!! :)

having some berries for dessert...yum! i swear, if we had to cut fruit entirely for Paleo, i'd quit.

jenny said...

Misch - I think that Pellegrino is fine, I meant Club Soda!! Either way it's your choice, don't worry about it!!

Dinner: We went to Brown's....there were not many Paleo-friendly options on the menu. I had the beef tenderloin medallions with broccolini and yam fries ;) I know, I know, yam fries are not 100% ideal...but damn they were good.