Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 5-how's everybody feeling?

Day 5 breakfast:

I am already sick of eggs....wonder why I can eat PB everyday of my life, but can't handle egss more than 2 days.

Trying something new; morning shake w a frozen banana, unsweetened almond milk and sunflower butter.

It was delicious, but the two year Zone vet in me realizes it was lacking in protein. Post 30 days challenge I would round it up with protein powder.

Have a good day everyone! Post meals and feelings to comment.

Annie :)

Jenny, thanks for all the improvements.


Annie Tasaka said...

Breakfast #2:
2 italian sausage links and fruit salad.

Scott may be onto something here with two breakfasts! Of course I may now reach 160 before he does...But when you get up at 5:15 two breakfasts is sort of a necessity.

jenny said...

I feel good, but am not seeing a boost in energy yet (still hard to get out bed in the morning...)

Realistically though, it will take a couple of weeks for our bodies to really experience a change (at least that's what Whole 9 says), and this is what I felt like when I did this in the summer. Tired, headachy and grumpy for the first two weeks :)

B: 2 poached eggs/bacon/kiwi/blackberries/grapes/coffee

Annie your smoothie sounds delicious!!

Solo said...

Lept out of bed today feeling great! Couldn't wait for my poached eggs, bacon and fruit!! Seriously I feel better when eating clean like this. Just finished preparing a grass fed beef stew for dinner tonight, should be good!

Knightrider said...

pretty bored with my menu choices these days. Need a little motivation to make anything besides the norm.

D: 1.5 baked chicken breasts, a small but entire yam (baked fries) and half an avacado

B: 2 scrambled eggs with bacon, bannana peppers and tomatoes. 1 bannana and black coffee.

Energy levels are pretty low so far. my holiday diet/ consumption is hanging on for dear life. cant wait to feel better soon.

mishylu said...

I am also getting tired of eggs...will have to try a smoothie soon...found a good recipe using fruit, almond milk & almond butter. YUM! will let you guys know how it turns out.

B: egg/egg white omelet with spinach, basil & red onion + fruit salad & black coffee

snack: almonds, carrot sticks

L: salad with chicken breast, mandarin orange

woke up with a wicked headache this morning. god i hope not every morning is like this! slept a full 8 hours and I still felt so ragged this morning!
weekend is here...I am jonesing for my friday glass of wine!!

mishylu said...

Can anyone recommend a Paleo-friendly protein powder? I usually use Vega but notice that it has Brown Rice protein?? The other one I have has Whey protein!

Just found a great PDF file I will forward via email when I get home--35 protein & meal replacement shakes!! Some sound soo delicious!


Knightrider said...

i just had a wonderfully delicious tuna melt for lunch! It was extra delicious because there was no cheese to melt, nor was it on a tasty piece of multi-grain braid.

Instead, it was in a deliciously boring white bowl. it was cold and quite dry.

i think i was crying when i was eating it.

jenny said...

Misch - sorry no protein powder on this're going to have to rely on meat/fish/eggs to get it :)

Lunch: chicken/yams/broccoli

Snack: apple & almond butter

I have eaten chicken & yams 4 times this week...time for a break.

Knight - picturing you and your bowl of tuna is so sad! Hopefully you come up with something more exciting for dinner...

Annie said...

Knight, your tuna melt story is definitely a sad one.

Have you thought of cooking your tuna differently?

I think I found an alternative to your problem.

*Crunchy tuna casserole*
(minus the can of mushroom soup, breadcrumbs, noodles, potato chips, and butter)

Let me know how it turns out.

Annie Tasaka said...

Smarty pants! I actually looked for your recipe. ;)

Tuna was lovely in my salad yesterday Knight. The key for me has been having a ton of food in the house. Do a big grocery shop on your days off.

Misch, I do plan on reintroducing protein powder after the 30 days, but for now, let's stay clean and stick w real food! We can totally do this.

roast chicken legs w yam fries and brocoli and gailan from last night.

1 larabar

post wod snack:
1/2 asian pear

seasoned chicken tighs on the BBQ w sweet potatoes and mushrooms and a side salad

mishylu said...

hmm..i did find some hemp protein powder at Whole Foods but if we're not using any for the Challenge, I'll just put it aside for now.

Stocked up on some dried fruits for those snack moments & a couple of Larabars to tie me over until I get to Costco on the weekend...

Snack: a few pieces of dried mango & almonds

Dinner: seared ahi tuna, roasted peppers & butternut squash.

bought some bison burgers & turkey smokies (nitrite free) today! excited to change things up a little! remaining meatloaf has gone in the freezer for another day...i just can't do another meal of it!!

Annie said...

B: ham, fruit salad (pomegranate, pears, banana, apple), black coffee

L: salad with roast beef slices and a bit of turkey, sunflower seeds

D: 2 lamb and sage sausages, fried mushrooms and onions, 1/2 sweet potato, cauliflower, broccoli and some purple 'broccoliflower' of some sort, almonds for dessert

No snacks today. Did not feel hungry.

Geoff bought some sausages at Rio Friendly Meats. I forgot how delicious they were. Twelve sausages for $14,40. Not bad at all!

jenny said...

Dinner: stew with grass-fed beef, carrots, spinach, sweet potato, onion, tomatoes, garlic. Matt made it this so good.

Dessert: berries

I haven't been taking my fish oil, just remembered. Starting now!

mishylu said...

We have to take fish oil??