Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 7 - One Week Done!!!

How is everyone doing? I feel great....thought the weekend would be hard, but I managed to make it through...

Post your meals & thoughts to comments, we are 1/4 of the way there!!!



Annie Tasaka said...


I know, I can hardly believe I am doing so well.

cold cooked left over chicken, 1 hard boiled egg w sea salt, some avocadoe and fruit salad.
Totally hit the spot! Felt lighter and easier on the digestion. May have found a winner.

Off to Squamish to view the Eagles. :) Scott and I may go out for lunch with friends. We'll see how well we do, but I am thinking a dry burger no bun?

mishylu said...

I wish I could enjoy a slow breakfast every morning! Back to the morning rush tomorrow!

B: turkey sausage, omelet with spinach, basil, onion/fruit salad/coffee with a splash of coconut milk (better!!)
**may have overdone breakfast a little (I was hungry!) so lunch will be light...

Enjoy the sunshine!!

jenny said...

Breakfast: 2 poached eggs, bacon, fruit (berries/melon/kiwi), black coffee

Off to stock up on meat & produce for the week to come! And going to try and enjoy the sunshine too...

Solo said...

So....I may have slipped up a little yesterday...I went to the Canucks game and might have had a couple of beers:). Looks like I'll be starting back at day one!

Back on the wagon this morning though, bacon, eggs and fruit for breakfast and off to the store with Jenny to stock up for the week!

Geoff A. said...

Breakfast: Almond meal pancakes with blueberries and banana in the batter. They were OK but would be much better with maple syrup or something else that is wet and sweet.

Lunch: Leftover salad from last night. I was a little overambitious with the amount of food I made. I figured out what the Golden Berries Annie referred to yesterday are called: physalis. I like them but Annie hates them. Their like a bitter sweet tomato to me.

Dinner will be some kind of chicken dish. Maybe spaghetti squash.

I've been thinking that my body has been handling the changes without a hitch but suddenly my stomach has been telling me that something is missing for the last couple of days. I'm not hungry or tired, my stomach just feels funny. Might be fat related. In the past I would eat some cheese or drink some milk to make it go away.

mishylu said...

No lunch today...had a late breakfast.

Snack: a few almonds and a 1/2 banana, blueberry, pomegranate smoothie with almond milk

found another site full of recipes. there is a paleo-friendly granola recipe for Scott if he's absolutely needing his granola! :)

off to tackle spaghetti squash and those paleo muffins!!

mishylu said...

Dinner: baked salmon with garlic, dill & lemon, roasted pepper, sweet potato & green beans

Dessert: Paleo Banana Nut Muffin. I just couldn't wait until tomorrow! It was good! :) I put an extra 1/2 banana and added a few dates. No need for agave sweetener! Thanks for the recipe & your recommended modifications, Annie!

Just finished scooping out an entire spaghetti squash for the first time--messy & a lot of work! but there is plenty of spaghetti!

Have a great night!

jenny said...

Lunch: Salad with chicken, shrimp, lots of veggies & lemon juice

Snack: Almonds, mandarins

Dinner: Salad with chicken, pomegranate, seeds, red pepper, avocado

Dessert: Berries

Solo said...

L: salad w/ tons of veggies, chicken, almonds, evoo and lemon juice dressing

D: grilled salmon, asparagus and yams, sauted mushrooms

Annie Tasaka said...

lunch out:
Burger w no bun or sauce, but still delicious w bacon, avocadoe and lettuce tomatoes and a side of yam fries.
We went out for lunch...we did well, however technically I think it was a cheat because our yam fries were most likely cooked in canola oil. I am not going to loose sleep over it as I feel we stayed strong and stayed on course.

1 larabar and beef jerky

Side salad w dijon dressing (homemade)
Roast chicken and roasted butternut squash

A handful of grapes for dessert...really wanting something sweeter like a square of dark chocolate!! :(

ains said...

wow! just found this blog today. I was thinking about it as i enjoyed my sourcream pancakes and i remembered annie telling me her and jenny were managing it. I went hunting for the blog and found voila!

while i'd like to tell you that i've been hunting and gathering in new york... that would be a bold faced lie. But I'm actually looking forward to being back home on my regular eating schedule... kind of. that's actually a lie. but i'll be back on track come tuesday whether i want to or not, and that's the truth.

just wanted to say congrats to you all, looks like everyone is doing such a great job supporting one another. way to go annie and jenny for keeping the blog alive and going strong. I guess it's me who will be buying cupcakes at the end of the month!


Anonymous said...

Week one in the books. Had my first real craving on Saturday night for some beer or vodka but unlike Matt "Cheater" Shaunessy I didn't do it. Feel really good. Haven't had such a healthy playoff football Sunday in my life. It did help however that Knight Rider and Chelan were there with me. I think we spent most of the time talking about food ideas as apposed to watching the game. What the fuck is wrong with me.
Sunday breakfast:
1/2 Paleo Muffin
Training: 5 rounds 15 OS 400m 14:28 also did 5 80m sprints with stair hops. All done at WV High with Garth.
Real Breakfast: medium portion of sweet patatoes (microwave and then pan fried with olive oil)
3 eggs with tomatoes, green onions
3/4 chicken breast with pesto
Chicken breast with apple and a new and improve paleo muffin with rasperries and blueberries. I'll get Chelan to post recipe. They taste good enough to enjoy and healthy enough to know that they aren't a walkaround cheat.
green salad with avacado, small portion of sweet patatoe from morning, big portion of chicken.

The Pie

Annie said...

I forgot to post yesterday...

B: Same as Geoff

L: Tuna and salmon sashimi. And I don't know what I was thinking when I ordered but I had some edamame. For some reason I kept thinking they were like peas. Geoff wasn't around so I screwed up. Oh well!

D: over-roasted chicken breast with mushrooms and onions, butternut squash, bok-choy

Snacks: almonds, veggies... I forget!