Friday, January 7, 2011

Read your labels...

Hey guys,

Thought this was an interesting post from Whole may want to check your almond milk etc., chances are it isn't "paleo". Lots of weird ingredients that you can't pronounce is a sign that it's not real food!

Obviously everyone is going to make their own choices here, just wanted to share :)

The Whole 9 peeps are pretty strict (for 30 days) and then they let you loosen up.


1 comment:

ainslie said...

wow! just found this tonight. I thought about it today as i enjoyed my sourcream pancakes that everyone was posting. I went hunting and found you!

I'm actually looking forward to being back home on my regular eating schedule... kind of. well, that's actually a lie. but i'll be back on track come tuesday whether i want to or not, and that's the truth.

just wanted to say congrats to you all, looks like everyone is doing such a great job supporting one another. way to go annie and jenny for keeping the blog alive and going strong. I guess it's me who will be buying cupcakes at the end of the month!
