Friday, August 22, 2008

The last week or so

Sorry I haven't been back to write anything the last week or so. No excuse just pure lazyness. First off I had an awesome time at Remington going away party / Andy Sacs birthday party at the barn on Saturday night. I had to come straight from the boat rentals and then also had to work at the dock the next morning so I was keeping it pretty tame but Chelan and I had a great time. Can't believe the mushrooms and E-bombs that were floating around, God bless all of you that hit those. Remington on shrooms was classic.

Monday: I played squash in the morning and decieded to take an additonal day off from crossfit. My lower back has been sore ever since I did bad form on the snatch grip deadlift in the bear the other week.

Tuesday: deadlift 275# x3x5. I kept this at low weight as I am really concentrating on improving my form on the deadlift. I am starting with a wider grip and having my ass lower on my starting point. Felt much better. Also from now on whenever I am doing multiple rep deadlifts not for time I am going to do each rep as a deadlift. That means I won't tap and go.
800m run x3. I felt really good on the first 800, really slow on the second and okay on the third. You took a 5 min break between each run. Your total was your total time of the 3 runs. I got 8:28, good for 5th place.

Wednesday: Sheppy Special. This one was a challenge. 4 muscle ups, 6 hand stand pushups, 8 overhead squats @ 75#. max rounds in 15min. I got 6 rounds even, good for 5th place again. My shoulders were torched after this one.

Thursday: Squash in the morning. I lost 3-0. First two games went to 8 all and the last was a blow out. Great run around however.
9 Squat Cleans 155#, 3 rope climbs x 5 rounds. 26:45, good for 7th place in the gym. This was a fantastic workout and I learned and I will take away a ton from it. I really think you can teach yourself a lot about form when you push your body to the limits. It forces you to use the most efficient means to the end. Personally I got used to using my wider deadlift grip on the cleans and it felt great. I also found that starting with stiffer arms allowed me to pull better on the first and second pull of the clean. However the big thing I learned was how to properly and efficently climb that fucking rope...finally. By the last round I was really flying up the rope. I took Puppies advice and tried to have fast movement and have my body on that rope for as little time as possible. I also got into the the grove of trapping that rope not only with my feet but also my thighs. Made a world of difference. I wasn't going all out on this one but I got everything and more out of it and to me that is worth more than a faster time.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Max Double Unders

Andy Sac Special

I wasn't going to do a metcon today because I played squash in the morning but once again the workout looked like far too much fun to not compete.
Workout 1: Squash: 40 min of actual game time. I won 2-1
Workout 2: 6,6,6
6 min at each station, clock continues to run between stations
turkish getups @ 35lbs
row for calories
Single arm swings @ 36lbs
282 total: 41 getups, 89 calories, 152 swings
I think how my exercises lined up might have been the best. Starting with the getups meant that they were no problem. I was fatigued by them at all and was able to put a pretty high score on the board. The row was brutal as always and ending in the swings was great because they are single arm. As long as you didnt' take one arm to failure then you could just switch arms to give one a break.

10 rounds of Kelly

I found the ten rounds of Kelly to be easier than the 5 round version. With the ten round version I was able to never stop working where the last time I did the rx version I would have to put the ball down or stop jumping on the box. I came in first place for this wod so I was very happy about that. My cycle time on the box jumps are what won it for me I think.
10 rounds
200m run
15 24" box jumps
15 20lb 15' wall balls

Friday, August 8, 2008

Bear Snatch

Did the Snatch Bear at the gym today....which I shouldn't have done. I told myself that if I play squash in the morning no matter what comes up with the wod that I"m going to be doing strength work at the gym. That way I keep myself fresh and don't overdue the cardio hit. Obviously I didn't listen and saw this fun wod and had to dive in. Diet has been really good during the days but post dinner has gotten shitty again the last three nights. Its time to get back at it and keep that sugar and shit carbs out of the post dinner window.
Workout: Squash 50min of game play. Lost 3-2.
Workout: Bear Snatch
Every minute on the minute do 5 snatch width deadlifts, 5 hang snatches, 5 overhead squats. Do this for 20min. Pick you weight. highest completed weight wins.
I went with 80lb which at the time would have won the wod (turns out Joel completed 80# so I would have tied him if I finished which i did not)...15 rounds is what I got done. Poor form on the deadlifts and the overtraining with squash in the morning put too much pressure on my lower back. It seized up and I couldn't push through it.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Long Weekend Activity

Here is a video of "the Goat" I did on Sunday Morning. It was brutal. Can't wait to try it again. Monday I had off from the boat rentals and I had an awesome day. Started off with the Grind in the morning with Sack, Amanda, Joel and Neil. Did it in 48:57. Held a strong pace throughout, no rests obviously. That really is a different animal. Unless you train the grind you can't kill the grind. I thought our time was going to be better based on our pace but it was fun. After the grind I went and played golf and then followed the evening off with some dinner at Chelans Parents house in Richmond with the whole family to celebrate our engagement. It was great.

Tuesday "Math Wod"
Hit up the Ants wod at the barn. I liked it a lot.
max bench reps at 135#, row 320m. 5 rounds. You then total up your reps, times it by 135 and then divide it by the total time on the rower to complete those five 320m sprints. I scored 33.3 which was good for 5th in the gym. I was happy with that.

Friday workout:

5rounds for time:
400m run
10 front squats 135#

12:10....I won that wod. Very happy with that.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Push Pressing

Had a good day today, both diet and workout wise. I must admit that after the workout I wanted to go to IGA and hit up some sandwiche and chip combo but instead did chicken breast, asperagus and carrots. I wonder if my carb cravings will ever fully go away or if I'll be addicted my whole life to a good chip and a coke. I hope not.

Workout: Max Push Press = 220 PB

Failed twice at 225 but my previous best was 215 so I'm happy with that. 220 actually went up like butter so I think I have 225 in me. Hopefully next time.
did some handstand work and usual warmup before hand.
500m row: 1:38...this is the exercise I would like to improve in the most. This will be my starting point and the goal is to break 1:30 in the next couple of months. Andy Sac rowed a gym record 1:22. I was pulling 1:30 for a while but totally gassed at 300m.
1.5 poud in each hand Kettlebell front squats: 10,5,5,5,8
Kettlebell snatch work and overhead squat for fun.

B: 6oz turkey burger/deli turkey, 1 garpefruit, trail mix
L: Tuna Salad
L: 1 elevate bar,2 turkey burgers, trail mix
PW: 1 elevate bar (I had to have this in IGA so that I got a good dinner as apposed to a cheat meal. Normally I would have liked to have a protein drink)
D: 5oz chicken with teryaki sauce ( not a lot), 6 asparagus (cooked in 1/2 tsp of butter), 6 carrots raw.
S: 2oz cheese, 12 grapes, trail mix