Sunday, April 26, 2009

Best Cheat Day I've ever had

This is the type of cheat day I am going to do from now on. Just as a little back story this Saturday was also the NFL Draft which is one of my favorite events to watch each year. Normally when I've eaten well in the past I have done one cheat day a week. What I've found lately however is that putting that huge influx of sugar in my system for the one day really makes it challenging to get back on track. So I decieded yesterday because I was planning on having a few beers while watching the draft that I would keep the food clean but no limit the amount.
3 blocks eggs
2 blocks sausages
4 blocks cereal
3 blocks oil in cooking eggs
Zone bar
5 coronas
chicken breast with shake and bake spice on top
Caesar salad
More chicken, 2 sausages and some cheese.
7 oz stake
3 tbs of mash patatoes
4 rasberry vodkas
2 oz of chicken
Workout: 10 sets of 2 rep high bar box squat. Worked up to last 4 sets at 255#.

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