Friday, April 24, 2009

Day Two Done

Okay day two is done. Was a little hungrier in the day today because I worked out. Again I was over the original 18 blocks that I would ideally like to do but again that is normal as you I weed out the excess sugars and such from the system. I was more like 20 blocks today.
1 cup go lean crunch, 26 g protein powder, ½ cup of homo milk
1 whole egg, 2 egg whites, 1 apple
Lunch 14oz roast chicken
2 cups greek salad
Lunch 2
2 turkey sausages
Minestrone soup (4 blocks)
4 blocks of salted peanuts
2tbs of go green with water
Elevate me bar
Lean cuisine (39g carbs)
2 blocks deli turkey breast
2 tsp peanut butter
1 apple
2oz cheese
1 block nuts

22 rounds + 10 squats (personal best). I hit all my pushups in a row on all twenty 23 rounds which I've never come close to doing. However because I had no rest on pushups my legs were on fire from the squats. If I can pick up the speed of the squat I can go over 25 rounds for sure.

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