Sunday, July 20, 2008

Friday -- July 19th

What an awesome day I had today. Did if not the hardest, top 5 most challenging workouts today. Best atmosphere I've worked out in. Good diet today and everything felt great, though I'm writing this on Sunday so I'm going to do my best and remember what I ate.

Workout For Time:

1 hang power snatch, 1 overhead squat, 1 ring dip

2 hang power snathc, 2 overhead squat, 2 ring dip

keep going all the way up till you hit 10

800m run

10 hang power snatch, 10 overhead squat, 10 ring dips

9 hang power snatch, 9 overhead squat, 9 ring dips

keep going till you hit the 1's again.

weight is 30% if bodyweigh. I did mine at 75#.

The overhead squats were challenging as the numbers rose up but really what held me back was the ring dips. I was onto to doubles for those pretty quick. I did come screeming out of the gate on this one and was leading or right there for the first 4 rounds and then the rings dips started to come into play. I really think my form on ring dips is what is hurting me. I have to go back to square one with them. I don't feel like my range of motion is where it needs to be. I think my weight might be too far back.

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