Wednesday, April 22, 2009

8 Week Nutrition Plan

Hello all. I was really inspired yesterday to step up and put in place a nutrition plan and platform that will match my CrossFit goals and it came from an unlikely source....Banana Man. As much as Jeff and I disagree on what is the best diet for health and wellness one thing is for sure, I don't know anybody as mentally tough as he is to be able to stick with his preferred diet; the raw food diet. As I was talking to him about wanting him to try a Paleo Zone diet for 6 weeks as I believe it will help his performance, I came to realize why should Banana believe me when I am clearly struggling to keep my diet in I had fast food Chinese for lunch yesterday and subway the night before. So here I am today motivated to dial in a mixture of zone/paleo zone diet for the next 8 weeks.
I will consume 18 zone blocks a day and they will break down as follows ( if you don't know what a zone block is, google zone blocks): 4 blocks breakfast, 4 blocks lunch 1, 4 blocks lunch 2, 4 blocks dinner, 2 block snack either between breakfast and lunch 1 or after dinner.
If I am having starchy carbs with my meal then I will be very particular about my zone measurements. If my carbs are coming from only fruit and veg in a meal then I will allow for some additional protein and fats.
In the Zone diet you can in theory eat anything as long as its macro nutrients add up to the right 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat, however for myself I am going to add some additional no no's. I will consume no chips, chocolate, candy or regular or diet pop.
My training will stay exactly the same which is 5 days a week of CrossFit training which looks exactly the same as what all my clients are doing.
Goals and measurement:
As in anything CrossFit we are going to base this on hard data. 8 Weeks from today I am going to begin the evaluation process of this experiment. On Wed May 17th I will begin the testing phase. It will consist of Nancy on the Wed, Fran on the Thursday and CrossFit Total on the Friday. 3 completely different workouts that will give me a real good view of how much benefit this type of eating can provide me. Because I have been training CrossFit for quite some time now if I do see improvement in the testing phase I will be able to confidently say it is because of improved nutrition as the training has stayed constant.
Times to beat:
Nancy: 16:05
Fran: 4:20
CFT: 805
I will be posting every single bit of food and drink that enters my system in those eight weeks and the training I do on this blog so check back often.
If you would like to join me on this let me know and we'll setup a diet and blog for you.


Nutrition said...

This diet plan is seems to be acceptable . . i will like to chase in my accustomed routines . . . .

nutrition | nutrition articles

David Franklin said...
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